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AmeriCares to Honor Rudolph Giuliani, Medical Professionals

  • May 20, 2003

New Canaan, CT, May 20 2003 – Former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani has been named recipient of the AmeriCares Giving Award to be presented May 27 at a gala celebration at New York’s Regent Wall Street Hotel.

The award to Giuliani honors the former mayor for “the courage and humanity he embodies in accord with the AmeriCares mission.” Giuliani will make the keynote address. Inaugurated last year, the award was presented to President and Mrs. George H.W. Bush at the 2002 Gala.

Also being honored May 27 are more than 250 volunteer doctors and nurses who have provided care to tens of thousands of people in the U.S. and around the world. Because of these dedicated individuals and their medical assessments, AmeriCares is able to provide the most effective aid to those who need it most.

Master of ceremonies for the evening is Harry Smith, co-host of the CBS “Early Show” and host of A&E’s “Biography.” The New York Metro Mass Choir is to perform. Tickets for the gala are still available.