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Sandoz Inc.

In 2016, Sandoz Inc. announced it will donate up to USD 10 million worth of high-quality generic medicines annually to Americares, allowing us to increase deliveries of some of the most essential and desperately needed medications to partner hospitals and health clinics in over 90 countries. Together we will give more patients in need a pathway to good health and opportunity so they can reach their full potential. The initial donation will include over 25 Sandoz products for treatment for infections, cardiovascular conditions, eyecare, skin conditions and musculoskeletal pain. Sandoz is committed to driving global access to medicines, medical information and medical capacity through a range of programs, including philanthropy, zero-profit, social ventures, specifically targeting those most in need.. Product donations will be made available throughout the year to Americares and their partners based on specific and on-going medical needs, identified by Americares. Sandoz has supported Americares since 1989. Over the years, Novartis and Sandoz together have donated more than USD 230 million worth of medicine to Americares.