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El Salvador

Finding the Way to a Healthy Future for a Child in El Salvador

  • December 14, 2016
  • Health Initiatives, Clinical Services, Newsroom

At just 6 months old, Keren had already suffered pneumonia twice. In El Salvador, health care is not always available or effective, so when her parents brought her to Americares Family Clinic in Santiago de Maria, they had little hope their tiny daughter would be cured.

But soon Alfonso and Raina Morales began to see a change—Keren’s health was improving. “I feel very satisfied with how the staff treats us as patients,” says Alfonso. “And the prescription medicine is excellent.”

Keren and her parents are among the thousands of patients Americares Family Clinic treats every year. In fact, last year, the clinic provided care to nearly 33,000 patients.

Seven years later, Keren still receives regular care and low-cost daily treatments. Today, her respiratory illness is under control and her entire family learns about health, nutrition and disease prevention at the clinic’s health education sessions. The Clinic continues to expand its educational outreach to communities, now reaching more than 112,000 people.

“I enjoy attending the ‘Healthy Child Growth and Development Program’ because I learn a lot about children. I like that because I learn how to take care of the kids so that they grow up healthy.” 

Raina Morales

Americares Family Clinic

Since its founding by Americares in 2003, the Clínica Integral de Atención Familiar has provided diagnostic services and treatment for a range of conditions, from acute illness, to chronic and communicable diseases – often working on the front lines of disease outbreaks such as Zika.