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Saint-Amand Joins AmeriCares Board of Directors

  • March 8, 2016

STAMFORD, Conn. – March 8, 2016 – AmeriCares is pleased to announce the election of Sarah Saint-Amand to its Board of Directors. Saint-Amand brings to the board a wealth of experience in the private, public and nonprofit sectors.

Saint-Amand currently serves as senior vice president of real estate development for New York State’s economic development agency, Empire State Development, where she plays a lead role in the redevelopment of Moynihan Station and expanding the Javits Center. Saint-Amand previously served as vice president of the strategic investments group at the New York City Economic Development Corporation.

“I’m honored to join the AmeriCares board and be able to contribute to its mission of saving lives and building healthier futures,” says Saint-Amand. “I look forward to putting my skills and experience to work in improving health for those in need worldwide.”

She also serves on the board of Plan International USA, an organization dedicated to breaking the cycle of poverty for children in developing countries.

Saint-Amand earned a Bachelor of Arts in art history from Yale University and an MBA from Harvard Business School. She lives in Manhattan with her husband, Alexander, and three children.

The AmeriCares Board of Directors oversees all aspects of the organization’s health programs, including its disaster response work and support for under-resourced hospitals and health clinics worldwide. Last year alone, AmeriCares delivered medicines and relief supplies to 94 countries, including the United States where the organization supports health care for the uninsured and responds to emergencies.