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Gallucci Joins AmeriCares Board of Directors

  • January 7, 2015

Stamford, Conn. – Jan. 7, 2015 – AmeriCares is pleased to announce Steve Gallucci has been elected to its Board of Directors. He brings to the board more than 25 years of experience in the professional services sector. Gallucci is New York Managing Partner of Deloitte LLP where he helps drive client and business growth and improve the organization’s strategic position in the New York marketplace. Gallucci previously served as Deloitte’s Stamford managing partner for Greater Fairfield County.

“I am honored to join the AmeriCares board and to have the opportunity to invest my skills and experience to support the organization’s work in making a positive impact on the challenges faced by society in our local and global community,” Gallucci said.

Gallucci has been a member of the AmeriCares Leadership Council since 2011. He is also a board member of the Business Council of Fairfield County and the Madison Square Boys and Girls Club, and serves on the Business Advisory Council of the Providence College School of Business. He is a former chairman of the International Rett Syndrome Foundation board.

Gallucci, who resides with his wife, Maura, and their four children in New Rochelle, New York, earned a bachelor’s degree from Providence College and an MBA from the University of Notre Dame. He is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and is a licensed CPA in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.

The AmeriCares Board of Directors oversees all aspects of the organization’s global health programs, including its disaster response work and aid deliveries to under-resourced hospitals and health clinics worldwide. Last year alone, AmeriCares delivered medicines and relief supplies to 95 countries, including the United States where the charity supports health care for the uninsured and responds to emergencies.