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AmeriCares Medical Team to Assist Cyclone Survivors in India

  • October 17, 2013

MUMBAI – October 17, 2013 – AmeriCares is deploying an emergency response team to Odisha to deliver relief supplies and medical aid for Cyclone Phailin survivors. The monstrous storm struck India last Saturday, bringing wind speeds ranging from 125 mph-140 mph and torrential rains that caused massive destruction along the east coast. More than 8 million people in Odisha have been affected by the storm – the strongest to hit India since 1999. Widespread power outages and severe flooding have cut off access to some of the hardest hit areas and hindered relief efforts.

The AmeriCares relief workers plan to deliver 500,000 water purification tablets – enough to provide a three-month supply of clean water for 2,000 families. A medical team, led by an AmeriCares staff physician, will provide medical care for survivors in Balasore and Kendrapara districts from Oct. 22 to Oct. 26.

“Thousands of people are homeless, health facilities are damaged or destroyed, and there is an urgent need for basic health services,” said Shripad Desai, managing director of AmeriCares India.  “We are working with local organizations to assist the relief efforts and meet the health needs of survivors.”

AmeriCares India provides emergency medical aid in response to floods, cyclones, earthquakes and other disasters. The cyclone response is launched as relief workers from the organization’s Mumbai headquarters continue to aid survivors of the record flooding in Uttarakhand. Over the past four months, AmeriCares India medical teams have held 52 medical camps in Uttarakhand treating more than 5,000 patients.

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