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Emergency Aid Delivery Mobilized for Colorado Flood Survivors

  • September 20, 2013

As families throughout Colorado struggle in the aftermath of record flooding, AmeriCares emergency response staff is on the ground working directly with partner organizations to meet the urgent needs of survivors. Shipments of emergency kits, baby care products, relief supplies, water, medical equipment and cleaning supplies are being sent, with more underway.“Thousands of people are now returning to water damaged homes, and many more are still unable to return home,” explained Garrett Ingoglia, AmeriCares vice president of emergency response “We are working with local partner organizations who are mobilizing to meet the most urgent needs of families affected by the disaster.”Emergency Aid Delivery Mobilized for Flood SurvivorsOur immediate response includes:

  • A truckload of bottled water being delivered to a partner in Sterling, where the sanitary sewer and water system has been compromised by flooding. AmeriCares worked with partner Nestle Waters North America on the shipment, to provide safe drinking water to survivors and responders.
  • 1,100 emergency kits, baby care items, medical supplies, relief supplies and household cleanup items are being shipped to partners to distribute to flood survivors in Larimer, Boulder, Weld and Jefferson Counties.

Parts of at least 18 different cities and towns in 17 counties along the Front Range and Foothills of northern Colorado were flooded during the historic September, 2013 flood disaster. More than 18,000 homes have been damaged or destroyed by the raging torrents of water that surged down into the heavily populated foothills.Meanwhile, our emergency outreach efforts continue to support clinics and response partners, and to build additional aid shipments for distribution to survivors in need. Help AmeriCares bring aid to families in crisis as we respond to the Colorado flood disaster.Help AmeriCares bring aid to families in crisis as we respond to the Colorado flood disaster. Donate Now