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Deadly Syria Crisis: Shipment of Nerve Gas Treatment Underway

  • September 9, 2013

“This unrelenting war has escalated with devastating consequences for the Syrian people. With more than 100,000 killed and millions displaced by the conflict, help is needed now more than ever before.”
Karl Erdmann, Emergency Response ManagerAn emergency shipment of 32,500 injections of atropine is being rushed to response partners — containing enough treatments for up to 2,000 people exposed to nerve gas.  This urgently-requested shipment is the latest in our large-scale response to help families fleeing and trapped in the deadly violence in Syria.The shipment is a response to the horrific August 21 nerve gas attack in a Damascus suburb — the most recent escalation in the brutal conflict that has claimed more than 100,000 lives and prompted millions more — including 1 million children — to flee their homes. Our partners will preposition the atropine to help boost supplies of the critical drug should further chemical weapons attacks take place.


People killed in the conflict according to SOHR

6.8 Million

People in need of humanitarian assistance

4+ Million

Internally displaced people

2 Million

Refugee fleeing to neighboring countriesAs the tragedy continues to unfold, AmeriCares is working to address the needs of Syrians, wherever they are.Amid a worsening situation, more medical aid is desperately needed. Please help today so we can continue our lifesaving work with Syrian refugees »To date, we have provided more than $3.3 million in medical and humanitarian relief to local organizations best positioned to help victims of the crisis, including:

  • Five shipments of medical aid to partners delivering crucial health care services at refugee camps in Jordan. A total of $1.1 million in medical aid has been delivered, including enough crucial antibiotics, cardiovascular medications, pain relievers, intravenous fluids and other medicines to treat tens of thousands of people.
  • Two shipments to partners in Turkey of an emergency medical module and IV solutions to support Syrians directly affected by the conflict. 
  • Two grants to help partners with local procurements of essential drugs and urgently needed medical equipment.
  • $1.3+ million in medical aid to volunteer health care teams providing lifesaving medical care to Syrians in need throughout the region through our Medical Outreach Program.

“This unrelenting war has escalated with devastating consequences for the Syrian people,” said Erdmann. “With 100,000 people killed and millions displaced by the conflict, help is needed now more than ever before.”Read MoreDonate Now