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AmeriCares Emergency Medical Teams Dispatched to Assist Flood Survivors in Northern India

  • June 27, 2013

MUMBAI – June 27, 2013 – AmeriCares emergency medical teams are responding to the urgent needs of flood survivors in the north of India. Catastrophic floods caused by unprecedented levels of monsoon rain have killed hundreds and stranded and displaced tens of thousands of residents and tourists. Five AmeriCares teams consisting of doctors and pharmacists are establishing health camps in the most heavily affected areas of Dehradun, Uttarkashi and Chamoli districts of Uttarakhand state.

The health camps will be in place for approximately three months, focusing on treating patients with flood-related conditions such as malaria, cholera, typhoid fever, leptospirosis, hepatitis A and dengue fever, as well as skin infections that spread easily in contaminated floodwaters.  Medicines also will be provided for people with chronic diseases who don’t have access to their medications while they are displaced.

From their base of operations at the district camps, the emergency medical teams will travel to interior villages to offer assistance. AmeriCares is coordinating its flood response with the Himalayan Institute Hospital Trust, which is providing additional medical staff to conduct regional camps, as well as lodging and warehousing for current and future camps.

“The early arrival of monsoons has resulted in a ‘Himalayan tsunami’ in India’s northern region, causing extensive destruction and human suffering,” stated Garrett Ingoglia, AmeriCares VP of emergency response. “AmeriCares and our partners in India are helping to ensure survivors of this natural disaster receive care for the many health-related conditions being experienced by those caught off-guard by the severe flooding.”

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