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AmeriCares Seeks Sandy Grant Proposals

  • June 21, 2013

Stamford, Conn. – June 21, 2013 – AmeriCares is seeking grant proposals from nonprofit organizations in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut meeting the health needs of Hurricane Sandy survivors. Grants ranging from $25,000 to $150,000 will be awarded for projects improving health and access to care in storm-damaged communities. Priority will be given to proposals benefitting low-income residents, the uninsured, the disabled, the elderly and children.

Funding is available for:

  • Medical and dental services;
  • Mental health services;
  • Mold removal;
  • Disaster case management;
  • Replacement of damaged medical equipment;
  • Repairs to medical facilities, dental clinics, nursing homes, group homes for the elderly or disabled and counseling/treatment centers.

Only repairs not covered by insurance are eligible for funding. Proposals must be submitted by July 15, and projects must be completed within 12 months. Applications from individuals will not be considered. For more information go to or contact AmeriCares Hurricane Sandy Project Manager Lindsay O’Brien at or (203) 658-9670.

AmeriCares has been aiding survivors of natural disasters, political conflict and extreme poverty around the world for more than 30 years, saving lives and restoring health and hope. AmeriCares Hurricane Sandy Relief Program focuses on restoring access to medical care and mental health services in storm-damaged communities. The program provides donated medicines and relief supplies, as well as cash grants to nonprofit organizations assisting the recovery efforts. Eight months after the storm the nonprofit global health and disaster relief organization has provided $6 million in aid benefitting more than 450,000 storm victims in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.

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