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Spanish Broadcasting System Helps Sandy Victims

  • November 7, 2012

Stamford, Conn. – Nov. 7, 2012 – Spanish Broadcasting System, Inc. is launching a fundraising drive today for AmeriCares Hurricane Sandy Relief Fund. The three-day “Hispanos Unidos” campaign kicks off today with a radio/telethon on the company’s radio and television station MegaTV. Listeners of the company’s 22 Spanish-language stations will also be invited to donate by phone, text message or via the AmeriCares website

To donate, call 1-800-806-2760, text “live” to 25383 or go to

In addition to MegaTV (channel 105 on DirecTV nationally), Spanish Broadcasting System operates radio stations Mega 97.9FM and 93.1FM La Variedad de NY! in New York, La Raza 97.9FM and LA 96.3FM in Los Angeles, La Raza 93.3FM, in San Francisco, along with stations El Zol 95.7FM, Cima 106.3FM, DJ 106.7FM and Z92.3FM in Miami, Chicago and Puerto Rico.

AmeriCares relief workers have been working nonstop to fill the immediate needs of clinics and shelters along the East Coast since the Oct. 29 storm knocked out power to millions of people and left tens of thousands homeless. AmeriCares aid includes family emergency kits, bottled water, blankets, first aid kits, flashlights and cleaning supplies. The aid organization also deployed a mobile clinic to the hardest hit areas of New York City, offering storm victims free flu shots, tetanus vaccines and medical care.

AmeriCares has delivered medical relief and humanitarian assistance to millions affected by natural and man-made disasters worldwide for 30 years. In the past year alone, AmeriCares responded to several emergencies in the U.S.,  including Hurricane Isaac in Mississippi and Louisiana, tornadoes in Kentucky and Indiana and wildfires in Colorado. In 2011, in response to one of the worst tornado seasons in decades, AmeriCares delivered nearly $3 million in aid for disaster survivors all across the country.

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