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AmeriCares and MedImmune Join Forces to Help Disaster Survivors

  • August 30, 2012

Stamford, Conn. – August 30, 2012 – MedImmune has joined AmeriCares as an Annual Emergency Response Partner, providing critical support for the disaster relief and humanitarian aid organization’s emergency response program. MedImmune’s financial support will allow AmeriCares to pre-position relief supplies and respond quickly when earthquakes, tornadoes and other devastating disasters strike. AmeriCares responds to about two dozen emergencies worldwide each year with medical and humanitarian aid.

Annual Emergency Response Partners provide a consistent, reliable source of funding for AmeriCares Emergency Response Program. Their support allows AmeriCares relief workers to conduct needs assessments, stock relief supplies in disaster-prone countries in anticipation of seasonal storms and other emergencies, deploy emergency teams to disaster zones and stock emergency medicines in AmeriCares warehouses all over the globe. With their support, AmeriCares is able to send relief supplies to families along the U.S. Gulf Coast forced from their homes by Hurricane Isaac, rush water purification supplies for the recent cholera outbreak in Africa and deliver medical aid for families fleeing the fighting in Syria.

MedImmune, based in Gaithersburg, Md. and the global biologics arm of AstraZeneca, has supported AmeriCares since 2003.

“Through our philanthropy and community outreach program, we further our commitment to addressing unmet medical needs and making a profound difference in peoples’ lives,” said Max Donley, Executive Vice President, Human Resources & Corporate Affairs for MedImmune. “MedImmune’s partnership with AmeriCares allows us to help people around the world who suddenly find themselves in communities devastated by disaster, receive the vital medicines and supplies they need.”

AmeriCares has provided medical relief and humanitarian assistance to millions affected by natural and man-made disasters for more than 30 years, including earthquakes inHaiti, Chile, Pakistan and Japan, the 2004 tsunami in Southeast Asia and Hurricane Katrina in theUnited States. In 2011 AmeriCares responded to 26 emergencies in 17 countries including nearly $3 million in aid for disaster survivors in the U.S.after one of the worst tornado seasons in decades. To meet the long-term needs of disaster survivors here at home, AmeriCares also awarded $600,000 in disaster recovery grants to help more than 62,000 people recover and prepare for future emergencies.