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Oracle Gift Supports AmeriCares Aid Deliveries Worldwide

  • April 24, 2012

Stamford, Conn. – April 24, 2012 – Oracle has donated nearly $900,000 worth of products and services to support AmeriCares aid deliveries worldwide. The generous gift will ensure AmeriCares has the technology required to send aid shipments to more than 90 countries every year in response to chronic poverty, civil conflict and catastrophic disasters. The nonprofit global health and disaster relief organization sends more than 3,000 shipments annually, both overseas and here in the United States where it supports health care for the poor and uninsured.

The donation, which includes technology enhancements and project management systems, will allow AmeriCares to more efficiently process product donations from 200 companies, update inventory in its three warehouses and rapidly build aid shipments. The addition of Oracle’s Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management solutions will also help streamline the aid delivery process and reduce costs, increasing AmeriCares capacity to reach people in need.

“During an emergency every minute counts, and thanks to Oracle we have the technology to deliver medical aid and relief supplies as quickly as possible,” said AmeriCares President and CEO Curt Welling. “We are now even better positioned to maximize our resources and help people whenever and wherever they are in need.”

This gift is just one of the ways the company has supported the charity in recent years. After the devastating Haiti earthquake in 2010, Oracle employees reached into their own pockets to assist AmeriCares relief efforts. The company then matched the donations, raising more than $700,000 for earthquake survivors.

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