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Crisis Alert: We are responding to Hurricane Helene

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$6.5 Million in Emergency Aid to Central America Flood Survivors

  • December 5, 2011

americares quoteAs a result of the flooding, 400 families lost food, crops and other belongings. The funds from AmeriCares provided food support, sparing these families from facing food shortages that would have had a direct impact on their lives, especially during the first week of the disaster.”— AmeriCares partner in El Salvador
AmeriCares has mounted a large-scale response to crisis-level flooding caused by a severe tropical depression in Central America with three air shipments of $6.5 million in medical aid and food support to help partners fill crucial gaps and alleviate human suffering in Nicaragua,El Salvador, and Honduras.  Additional aid shipments are underway, including ongoing aid to Guatemala.The aid includes targeted medicines to address flood-related injury and illness – especially outbreaks of water-borne diseases—along with food support to help families in need.  A total of $20,000 in grants was awarded to two long-time partners in El Salvador to help feed 800 families living in shelters.The AmeriCares Family Clinic in Santiago de Maria, El Salvador distributed $106,000 in relief items including blankets, hygiene items, flashlights, nutritional supplements and cough and cold medications to help flood victims.  The Clinic has also purchased medicines and food support sufficient to help 1,000 people in the eastern region of El Salvador.Join AmeriCares in helping disaster victims in Central America and worldwide. »

Our ongoing flood relief strategy includes a series of scheduled sea shipments to supplement in-country partner’s stocks of needed medicines and relief items.

  • $3 million in medicines and supplies have arrived in El Salvador, including many items that are critically needed in emergency response.  An additional shipment is currently underway.
  • $6.4 million in medicines and supplies that arrived in Honduras will be re-positioned to address emergency needs.
  • $10.2 million in medicines and supplies have been assembled in two separate shipments is en route to Honduras to extend emergency relief efforts.
  • $3.4 million in hygiene supplies and medicines including dermatological items due to arrive in Guatemala contains items ideal for responding to water-related emergencies.
  • $2.2 million in flood-related medicines and supplies are being prepared to ship to Nicaragua.

AmeriCares has a long history of aid to Central America, both in emergency response and ongoing shipments of medicines and medical supplies to the impoverished region, benefiting a large population of children and adults in need. Donate Now