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AmeriCares Urgently Responding to East Africa Famine

  • July 21, 2011

Special Fund Established to Support African Relief

Stamford, CT – AmeriCares is preparing to send urgently needed medical aid to areas of East Africa experiencing one of the worst droughts in decades. AmeriCares also has established an Africa Disaster Relief Fund to help direct critical resources to this impoverished region.

The United Nations this week officially declared two parts of Somalia, Bakool and Lower Shabelle, to be in famine. Famine is declared when two adults or four children per 10,000 people die of hunger each day and a third of children are acutely malnourished. According to the U.N., in some areas of Somalia, six people are dying per day and more than half the children are acutely malnourished.

AmeriCares is planning to deliver aid to Somalia, where hundreds of thousands of men, women and children are on the brink of starvation. Thousands of refugees are making the treacherous journey to Kenya daily on foot, walking through the desert for a week or more to get to overcrowded refugee camps that offer their only hope of food, clean water and, ultimately, survival. AmeriCares shipment of basic medicines and medical supplies will help mobile medical teams serving the influx of refugees into Mogadishu.

“The crisis is intensifying and, without assistance, thousands of children will starve to death,” said Christoph Gorder, AmeriCares SVP of Global Programs. “The medicines AmeriCares is delivering will save countless lives and help to alleviate one of the worst humanitarian emergencies in a generation.”

AmeriCares has been aiding survivors of natural disasters, political conflict and extreme poverty in Africa and around the world for nearly 30 years, saving lives and restoring health and hope. AmeriCares has been delivering aid to East Africa since the Ethiopia famine of 1985 that killed more than 1 million people.

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