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Flu Shot Vouchers Help Unemployed in Arizona

  • March 10, 2011

The unemployed face the daily problem of simply making ends meet. Compounding this situation for the nearly 14 million Americans without a job is lack of health insurance, or not enough coverage, for themselves and their families. That’s why AmeriCares supports free clinics across America with regular donations of medicines and medical supplies to help bring quality health care to those in need.

This flu season, AmeriCares has worked with its partners Walgreens and Duane Reade Pharmacies to help people stay well and save money with flu shot vouchers that are available through various free clinics supported by AmeriCares. Representing a savings to each patient getting a flu shot, it’s just another way AmeriCares helps make health care accessible and affordable for the millions of Americans who are uninsured or underinsured.

For Ricky and John, two unemployed friends in Phoenix, Arizona, the solution was to go back to school to become licensed respiratory therapists. But they encountered a snag—the school required all students to have a flu shot. With this extra expense added to their already strained budget, the two turned to the St. Vincent De Paul Clinic in Phoenix for help.

One of AmeriCares partners in the Southwest, the St. Vincent De Paul Clinic is a holistic medical home providing a wide range of medical and dental services under one roof for 2,500 patients. St. Vincent is one of the clinics that requested discounted flu shot vouchers from AmeriCares through this program.

“Normally flu shots cost about $30, but with the vouchers from AmeriCares they’re only $10, a helpful savings when money is tight for patients. Ricky and John were both very appreciative and thankful for the vouchers because it meant they were able to meet their school’s requirement and continue their studies,” said Janice Ertl, clinical director for St. Vincent De Paul Clinic.

In 2010, AmeriCares worked with more than 200 health clinics in the U.S. serving the uninsured and underinsured. We delivered nearly $24 million in medical aid to these health care partners and provided more than $215 million in free prescription medications through our Patient Assistance Program to more than 100,000 patients last year.

With demand for health services on the rise and clinics struggling with limited resources, AmeriCares will continue to help fill critical gaps and provide access to more medicines for more people in the U.S.

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