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Americares Sending Medical Aid for Swine Flu

  • April 29, 2009

Face Masks and Medicines will help treat and prevent flu outbreaks throughout U.S. and Mexico

STAMFORD, CT – AmeriCares, a nonprofit humanitarian aid organization, is sending medical and infection control supplies to help several health clinics throughout the U.S., including Texas and California, treat and prevent the swine flu. The shipments include face masks, medicines and other vital supplies. Some clinics report patients with flu symptoms while others are taking precautions to prevent the spread of the disease.

“AmeriCares is watching this outbreak very carefully,” said Dr. Frank Bia, AmeriCares Medical Director and an expert in infectious disease. “As swine flu infects more people, it can adapt and become more dangerous, like a hurricane picking up strength over warm water.”

In addition to delivering to health clinics in the U.S., AmeriCares recently sent two shipments to Mexico which included medicines, face masks for infection control and nutritional support for people who have been infected.  The medicines included antibiotics to help fight the flu, fever and pain reducers to control symptoms and an inhalant to help people with breathing problems.

A third shipment to health care partners in Mexico is currently being prepared for immediate shipment and will include additional face masks, gloves, IV fluids, vitamins, antibiotics, throat lozenges and other essential medicines and supplies to help treatment and prevention initiatives. 

About AmeriCares
AmeriCares is a private, nonprofit international disaster relief and humanitarian aid organization, which delivers medicines, medical supplies and aid to people in crisis around the world.  Since it was established in 1982, AmeriCares has distributed more than $9.0 billion in humanitarian aid to 147 countries.  For more information, visit