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AmeriCares Prepares Delivery for People of Darfur

  • March 24, 2009

As the humanitarian crisis in Darfur continues to worsen, AmeriCares is reaffirming its commitment to delivering lifesaving medicines to help restore health in the region. AmeriCares is increasing assistance to Chad, where thousands of people continue to seek safety from the ongoing violence in Darfur, by preparing an emergency airlift of $1.4 million worth of essential medicines and medical supplies for families fleeing the conflict.

“Millions of innocent people are relying on us for their survival,” said Curt Welling, AmeriCares President & CEO, who has led the delivery of aid since visiting the region in 2004. “Protecting Darfur’s most vulnerable people is at the very heart of humanitarian aid and the mission of AmeriCares.”

AmeriCares remains deeply committed to continuing its delivery of medicines and medical supplies to Darfur and neighboring Chad. Since 2004, AmeriCares has completed 11 airlifts to Darfur, delivering over 175 tons of aid valued at over $6 million. During the same period, AmeriCares delivered six shipments to Chad, including over 50 tons of medicines and supplies valued at nearly $3 million.

“I’ve witnessed the tragedy families in Darfur face and have seen the impact humanitarian aid has on helping to restore health to the region,” said Welling. “AmeriCares is steadfast in our resolve to do everything we can to help the innocent victims of this conflict.”

AmeriCares expresses deep concern for the safety of people in the relief camps and continues its commitment to relieving suffering and improving access to medicines around the world, especially in Darfur.

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