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AmeriCares Strengthens Response to Zimbabwe’s Cholera Epidemic

  • February 4, 2009

As the world’s eyes are on Zimbabwe’s political crisis, its people continue to face a growing epidemic. The widespread cholera outbreak has claimed more than 3,300 lives and infected over 69,000 people, making it Africa’s deadliest outbreak in 15 years.

AmeriCares is delivering medical aid to treat and ease the suffering of cholera patients. The critical shipment includes 20,000 units of lifesaving IV solutions and IV supplies to administer the IVs, more than half are specifically designed to treat children.

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“The mainstay of acute cholera therapy is rehydration with appropriate IV solutions,” says Frank Bia, M.D., AmeriCares medical director. “These solutions correct the metabolic disturbances resulting from the severe diarrhea of cholera.”
AmeriCares latest relief shipment aid to Zimbabwe is designed to help the country’s most vulnerable people. The disease is spreading rapidly through medically underserved rural areas where squalor is a fact of daily life.

The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that the situation is already out of control and likely to get worse as the intense rainy season intensifies. AmeriCares is also reaching out to other partners on the ground to determine what additional support can be sent in the near future.

In addition to sending medicine and medical supplies, AmeriCares recently doubled its shipment of PŪR™ Purifier of Water sachets – bringing the total to more than 1 million, enough to provide 10,000 families with safe drinking water for weeks. AmeriCares teams with Procter & Gamble to deliver PŪR in order to provide safe drinking water to communities around the world. This will be AmeriCares second large delivery of PŪR in as many months. AmeriCares is working with in country partner Population Services International (PSI) on this initiative.

Since 1997, AmeriCares has given more than $25 million in humanitarian, disaster and medical aid to the people of Zimbabwe. AmeriCares has helped Zimbabwe with relief supplies ranging from medicines, medical supplies and nutritional support.

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