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AmeriCares Delivers New Airlift of $1.2 Million in Aid to War-torn Darfur

  • December 9, 2008

The people of Darfur safely received AmeriCares 11th airlift containing more than 9 tons of medicines and medical supplies. The aid is being distributed to our partners who run health clinics set up to treat the men, women and children displaced by the ongoing violence in the region. This is the second emergency airlift in 2008 for AmeriCares; bringing this year’s total to $3.6 million in direct support for the hundreds of thousands of people in desperate need.

AmeriCares is one of the few humanitarian aid organizations able to deliver our airlifts directly into the Darfur region of Sudan, getting the aid to people faster and safely. This means AmeriCares can avoid hazards such as landmines and attacks by violent factions.

Violence has waged for over 5 years turning 2.5 million people into war refugees. Their only access to health care is through humanitarian aid. That’s why AmeriCares must continue to be a lifeline for the people of Darfur.

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More than 2.5 million people have been displaced, hundreds of thousands lack access to medicines and health care, and hundreds of thousands have died. Since 2004, we have delivered over 175 tons of humanitarian aid valued at $6 million to Darfur.

In addition to its latest airlift to Darfur, AmeriCares is working with our partners to prepare additional airlifts to ensure that medicines and medical supplies continue to be available to health care providers and the Sudanese people.