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AmeriCares to Airlift $1.2 Million of Aid to Darfur

  • November 25, 2008

Medicines due to arrive Thanksgiving day

An AmeriCares emergency airlift is preparing its 11th airlift to Darfur carrying more than 9 tons of medicines and medical supplies, valued at more than $1.2 million, is due to arrive in Darfur on Thanksgiving day. It is Americare’s 11th airlift since 2004. 

Violence has waged for over 5 years turning 2.5 million people into war refugees. Their only access to health care is through humanitarian aid. That’s why AmeriCares must continue to be a lifeline for the people of Darfur. The critical airlift includes:

  • Medical testing equipment such as microscopes and laboratory items;
  • Medicines and supplies to treat diseases and infections;
  • Bandages, slings, and other items to treat injuries;
  • Instruments and supplies needed to perform surgeries; and
  • Vitamins and nutritional support to combat malnutrition.

Help save lives in Darfur and around the world.

“As conflict continues to rage across Darfur, the global aid community is charged to do all we can to help save lives and restore health to the refugee populations in Darfur,” said Curt Welling, president and CEO of AmeriCares. “It is our responsibility to use the resources at our disposal to help end the suffering in Darfur—and of all those in need—wherever they are, whenever they need it.”

More than 2.5 million people have been displaced, hundreds of thousands lack access to medicines and health care, and hundreds of thousands have died. Since 2004, we have delivered over 175 tons of humanitarian aid valued at $6 million to Darfur.

In addition to its latest airlift to Darfur, AmeriCares is working with our partners to prepare an additional airlift to ensure that medicines and medical supplies continue to be available to health care providers and the Sudanese people.