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AmeriCares Distributing Aid in Myanmar

  • May 23, 2008

One of the first nonprofit organizations to deliver aid directly into Myanmar, AmeriCares has supplied more than 15 tons of critically needed medicines and medical supplies to survivors of Cyclone Nargis.

Our emergency response team has made successful arrangements for labor, warehouse storage and transportation, and has ensured the distribution of our supplies to the flooded Irrawaddy Delta region. In the absence of forklifts, the more than 1,000 cases of medicines were carried by hand from the delivery plane to the trucks that transported the aid to a secure warehouse in Yangon.

AmeriCares airlift consisted of medicines and medical supplies essential for relief efforts after a disaster, including antibiotics, analgesics, latex gloves, oral rehydration salts, multivitamins, anti-malarials and medications used to treat diarrheal diseases and dengue fever. We are also coordinating future plans to re-supply essential aid, including anti-malarials.

Mobile medical teams were assembled to deliver the necessary aid directly to those in need. International Organization for Migration, our partner on the ground, has been providing health care services to the delta region and our supplies are helping its workers to restore health and save lives throughout the devastated areas.

There are an estimated 2.5 million survivors in need of aid. Myanmar has placed the current official death toll at 78,000, while 56,000 remain missing. In the coming weeks stationary clinics may be established by AmeriCares partner NGOs in the delta region. These clinics would serve large populations of displaced people seeking refuge in temporary shelters, and we are hoping to provide additional medicines and medical supplies the clinics can use.

Please give as generously as you can to help us to provide initial and long-term relief in the aftermath of this disaster.

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