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MetLife Foundation Contributes $125,000 to AmeriCares

  • November 19, 2007

Stamford, CT, November 19, 2007 – MetLife Foundation has awarded $125,000 to AmeriCares to help the international relief organization grow its operations.

“MetLife Foundation is committed to building healthy communities,” says Sibyl Jacobson, President of MetLife Foundation. “We are pleased to expand our partnership with AmeriCares and support its vital work in strengthening communities around the world.”

MetLife Foundation has contributed to AmeriCares work for more than a decade. This current donation will support the expansion of AmeriCares efforts in India, capacity building for global initiatives and AmeriCares HomeFront, a community program that repairs homes for the elderly, physically challenged and economically disadvantaged in Connecticut and New York.

AmeriCares has been delivering vital medicines, medical supplies and aid to people in crisis around the world for the last 25 years. In that time, AmeriCares has provided $7 billion of aid to people in 137 countries. 

 “We have a tremendous opportunity to expand the scope of our work,” says AmeriCares President and CEO Curt Welling.   “MetLife Foundation is a valued partner and we are grateful for this donation. It will help us bring significantly more aid to more people around the world and here at home.”

In India, where more than 270 million people live below the poverty line and many lack access to medicine, AmeriCares has been providing aid for more than a decade.   Funding from MetLife Foundation will support AmeriCares capacity building efforts in the country as the organization steps up its work by building a warehouse and expanding local partnerships.

AmeriCares HomeFront has been revitalizing the homes of people in need in Connecticut and New York since 1988. MetLife Foundation has supported HomeFront for the last 12 years. With this increased support, MetLife Foundation is helping AmeriCares reach homeowners who are most in need of the hope and help provided by HomeFront volunteers.  

To learn more about AmeriCares, or to make a contribution to support our efforts around the world, log onto or call 1-800-486-HELP (4357).