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AmeriCares Receives Lifetime Achievement at FREDDIE Awards

  • October 31, 2007

On Friday, November 2, AmeriCares received the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award at the FREDDIE Awards in Philadelphia.  Named after founder Dr. Frederick Gottlieb, the FREDDIE Awards are considered the “Oscars” of health and medical productions, honoring the best in the year’s creations.  The Lifetime Achievement Award is the highest honor at this event which is celebrating its 33rd year. 

AmeriCares is being honored for the dedication of its founders Bob and Leila Macauley and its 25-year history delivering medicines, medical supplies and aid to people in crisis around the world.  All award honorees aim to help people live healthier, longer lives, which is a core mission of AmeriCares.  Other recipients at the gala event will include:  Vincent T. DeVita, Jr., M.D. for his global leadership in cancer research and treatment, Dan and Claire Marino and the Dan Marino Foundation for their long-term efforts to support the challenges of Autism, and the Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation for their years of support to the visually impaired.

“These honorees have made an immeasurable contribution to the field of health and medical productions and, perhaps more importantly, to the personal lives of countless individuals,” said Steve Simcox, CEO of MediMedia, hosts of the event. “Our hope is that this spotlight placed on their work will further increase contributions to support their efforts in the health and medical communities.”