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AmeriCares Is Top Community Funder In Katrina Recovery Efforts

  • August 28, 2007

Stamford, CT, August 28, 2007 – AmeriCares, the international relief organization based in Stamford, CT, received a top ranking in the Foundation Center’s report on response to Hurricane Katrina.  The Foundation Center is the nation’s leading authority on philanthropy.  In a recently issued report, “Giving in the Aftermath of the Gulf Coast Hurricanes,” AmeriCares was noted as the number one donor among community and other public foundations in its response to the Gulf Coast Hurricanes.

Thanks to a generous outpouring of aid from people across the country, as well as from long-term corporate partners, AmeriCares raised more than $13 million which supports a comprehensive grant program that continues to help in the long-term recovery efforts in the region.  Today, two years later, $12 million has already been deployed to recovery projects and the remainder is currently being allocated.

 “While there is still much more work to be done to help residents resume a normal life, we have made significant contributions to rebuilding communities and plan to continue our support through 2008,” says Trish Tweedley, who is in charge of the Katrina Relief Program for AmeriCares.

In addition to the $13 million raised, AmeriCares distributed $11 million of medicines, medical supplies and relief to the Gulf Coast region immediately after the disaster in order to address urgent emergency response needs.
To learn more about AmeriCares, or to make a contribution to support these efforts, log onto or call 1-800-486-HELP (4357).