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AmeriCares Airlifting Relief to Peru

  • August 17, 2007

Stamford, CT, August 17, 2007 – AmeriCares, the international relief organization is launching an emergency airlift of critical medicines and aid to help the tens of thousands of people affected by the devastating earthquake in Peru.

Two trucks are scheduled to be loaded with more than 25-thousand pounds of aid from AmeriCares Stamford, CT, warehouse Friday afternoon at 3pm and 4pm (EST).  The shipment will include antibiotics, rehydration solutions, blankets and gloves.  The trucks are headed to Miami where an anticipated Tuesday night airlift will deliver the aid to Peru by Wednesday morning.  An AmeriCares relief team is leaving tomorrow and will be there to greet the airlift and distribute the aid.

AmeriCares will deliver the medicines and supplies to its long-time partner in Peru, Volunteers for Inter-American Development and Assistance (VIDA).  VIDA supports a network of 250 public health establishments throughout the country, including in the earthquake affected region, with in-kind medicines and medical supplies.  The organization also works with volunteer Peruvian doctors who offer free medical assistance in poor, rural communities. 

AmeriCares sends regular shipments of medicines and medical supplies to VIDA for their ongoing needs and was preparing to send a container of cold and cough medicines as well as blankets in response to a recent cold spell, as it is currently winter in Peru.  The emergency airlift includes these items as well as the disaster relief medicines and supplies. 

AmeriCares has a long-standing history of responding effectively to disasters around the world.

To learn more about AmeriCares relief efforts in Peru, or to make a contribution to support these efforts, log onto or call 1-800-486-HELP (4357).