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A 4-Star Rating from Charity Navigator, Sixth Consecutive Year

  • June 5, 2007

**Sixth Consecutive Year for Highest Rating**

STAMFORD, CT, June 5, 2007 — AmeriCares has been awarded Charity Navigator’s four-star rating for the sixth consecutive year.  Charity Navigator, America’s premier independent evaluator of charities, provides extensive information on charitable organizations to prospective donors so that they may make informed giving decisions. 
A four-star rating is the highest rating possible. 
Earning the top rating from Charity Navigator for six years in a row is not only a rare accomplishment, but in the words of the watchdog group’s president, it is “exceptional.”  According to Charity Navigator President Trent Stamp, “Only 1% of the charities we’ve rated have received at least six consecutive 4-star evaluations, indicating that AmeriCares outperforms most charities in America in its efforts to operate in the most fiscally responsible way possible.”

This honor comes at a critical time, when the number of nonprofits has increased exponentially, and donors continue to demand more results and accountability from the charities they choose.  “It is with great pride that we receive this important recognition for the sixth consecutive year,” said Curt Welling, president and chief executive officer of AmeriCares.  “In the 25 years that we have been operating, we have become expert at mobilizing our humanitarian aid quickly and effectively by relying on a business model that leverages contributions for maximum impact.”

Charity Navigator ranks charities from one to four stars, based on each organization’s financial health, efficiency and capacity. The ratings show donors how efficiently a charity will use their support and to what extent the charities are growing their programs and services over time. More details of the assessment are available at