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Helping in Syria

  • August 3, 2006
Refugees in Damascus being assisted
by AmeriCares and ANERA

As the crisis in the Middle East continues, the humanitarian situation is increasingly critical, especially for refugees fleeing into neighboring Syria. AmeriCares Emergency Response Manager Jonathan Hodgdon is in Syria, preparing for AmeriCares relief shipments that will arrive shortly.

“Many of these people have lost everything,” says Hodgdon. “Hundreds of thousands of Lebanese have sought safety here from the recent bombings. Their homes have been destroyed, their businesses are gone and the children have no schools to return to. Several weeks of violence now means months, if not years, of recovery. Our contribution of to the relief effort will ensure that these refugees have access to essential medicines and basic healthcare treatments.”

AmeriCares relief in Syria will be distributed through Life for Relief and Development, a nongovernmental organization that has partnered with AmeriCares previously, delivering aid into war torn Iraq and assisting earthquake survivors in Pakistan last year.

In Lebanon, where hundreds were killed and more than 700,000 people forced to flee their homes, AmeriCares is working with several partners to respond to urgent needs. Last week, AmeriCares provided a $25,000 cash grant to long-term partner ANERA (American Near East Refugee Aid) to purchase infant and child care kits to help the youngest victims.

To support the delivery of urgently needed medicines and medical supplies into the region, AmeriCares has created a Middle East Relief Fund For more information, log onto