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AmeriCares Mobilizes Response to Ivan

  • September 13, 2004

Stamford, CT, September 13 2004 – As Hurricane Ivan continues to batter the Caribbean, AmeriCares relief efforts are underway. An emergency response team is en route to Jamaica and shipments of relief supplies are ready to be deployed to help others in additional afflicted areas.

Hurricane Ivan ravaged Jamaica over the weekend. According to the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency (CDERA), approximately 90% of the roads on the island nation were blocked as a result of major mudslides and at least 15 were confirmed dead. An AmeriCares response team will arrive in Kingston today to prepare for a shipment of materials including rehydration solutions, antibiotics, nutritional supplements, vitamins, IV solutions and basic first aid supplies that will be deployed later this week.

AmeriCares is also preparing its response to Grenada, where 90% of the island’s infrastructure was totally destroyed. The agency is maintaining contact with CDERA and will deploy a response once the island’s immediate medical assistance needs are determined.

AmeriCares continues to monitor Ivan and, anticipating a landing in Florida later this week, deployed an advance team to Florida on Saturday. Ivan will be the third major storm in the last month to inflict substantial damage on the beleaguered state, arriving on the heels of Hurricane Charley and Frances. Because of relief supplies sent to Florida during these two previous disasters, AmeriCares is well positioned with containers of cleaning supplies and hygiene products already in place to address additional recovery efforts for Ivan.

To support AmeriCares efforts for hurricane relief, log onto or call AmeriCares directly at 1-800-486-HELP (4357).