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Farnsworth Named Senior VP at Stamford-Bound AmeriCares

  • April 21, 2003

New Canaan, CT, April 21 2003 – Peter Farnsworth of New Canaan has been named senior vice president of finance and technology at AmeriCares, the international humanitarian aid organization which is moving its headquarters to Hamilton Avenue in Stamford Sept. 1.

The appointment was announced by Curt Welling, president and CEO of AmeriCares which has distributed nearly $3 billion in medical relief and emergency assistance since it was established in 1982.

Farnsworth was formerly chief operating officer of Inter-Connex, a web application development and consulting company. He is GE-trained and a former advisor to the U.S. State Department for Eastern Europe. His background includes executive positions with Fleet Financial (Shawmut), Chemical Bank, Kidder Peabody & Co., First Boston and Chase Manhattan Bank.

He holds an MBA in finance from Columbia University and a BA from Colgate University.